Category Archives: General

New superfood craze is CBD oil?

You may have heard of CBD oil or seen products containing this compound. Indeed, this has become prominent catchword in discussions about natural foods, exercise and healthy living in general, and there is a good reason for that. So let’s put into perspective what is CBD oil and what’s in it for you. If THC […]

Food to make your skin glow

When you look at that beautiful lady over there with her glowing skin, you think, “That could never be me.  She’s obviously using expensive facial products.” Most importantly fruits contain a rich dose of beautifying goodies. These goodies (minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants) help in promoting healing, synthesizing collagen and nourishing your skin cells. The challenge […]

Why trainers recommend the KETO diet?

When people first come to know about the ketogenic (keto) diet one of the first things they do is Google the dos, and do-nots. As a matter of first importance it’s indispensable to understand what the ketogenic diet truly is and what it’s about. It’s worth noting before you read below that eating whole & […]